Poems of Masayo Koike, Shuntaro Tanikawa & Rin Ishigaki
This first volume in Vagabond’s Asia Pacific Poetry Series brings together a selection of poetry from three key contemporary Japanese poets Masayo Koike, Shuntaro Tanikawa & Rin Ishigaki translated by Leith Morton and introduced by Yasuhiro Yotsumoto, with cover art by Ikumi Nakaya.

Ishigaki Rin was born in Akasaka in downtown Tokyo in 1920. From 1934 to 1975 she worked as a bank clerk and thus first became known as the ‘bank clerk poet’. She was also an active trade unionist, holding a number of positions in the bank employees’ union. Her four major poetry collections were published between 1959 and 1984 and were awarded a number of literary prizes including the Mr H. Prize and the Tumura Toshiko Prize. In addition to poetry, Ishigaki has also written several volumes of essays. A leading contemporary poet, Isaka Yohko, describes Ishigaki’s poetry as “contemptuous of arrogance and power” and as possessing a universal quality in her exploration of the quotidian crises of her domestic life.