Leith Morton, Tokyo
Tokyo is a four chapter poem that attempts to capture the essence of the modern city of Tokyo, the biggest city on earth, by poems grouped into four categories: history, people, geography and art. This eclectic exploration thus paints a picture of the living beast that is the modern city of Tokyo while also playing a side-riff on one or two outsiders who resided as denizens in the belly of the beast. The poems include lyrics but are primarily linked to Japanese rhythms. The author has drawn upon his extensive knowledge of those rhythms as the foremost Australian translator of Japanese poetry.
Leith Morton is a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has written six books of poetry, including a day at the races (2003), At The Hotel Zudabollo (2004) and Tokyo: A Poem in Four Chapters (2006). His other books include Modern Japanese Culture: The Insider View (2003); Modernism in Practice: An Introduction to Postwar Japanese Poetry(2004); Yosano Akiko no ‘Midaregami’ o Eigo de Ajiwau [Reading Yosano Akiko's "Tangled Hair" in English] (2007) and The Alien Within: Representations of the Exotic in 20th Century Japanese Literature.
2006. 40pp. ISBN 0 95 78 378 7 9